Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - general info

let this board be your holy bible, sacred text and love affair all rolled into one. in this board you shall find not only the rules but the site plots in here as well. the rules -as for any area of life- are to be followed without question and any breakage in the rules shall result in punishment or even being suspended from the site. also the plot, please stick to it. as the site grows it shall change, but members shall be made aware of that as and when they are. So please read and remember through your duration here.

2 2 - - plot .
by ADMIN .*
Aug 3, 2009 13:09:12 GMT
No New Posts - - the daily profit

this is where we will be posting bulletins and annocentments about the site as we progess. we will post an activity check once the site is running and will carry on with these each time the site starts to dwindle. we will also be updating you on developments in the site's plot and how we plan to move the site along in the future. We will also use this area to discuss nominations for the spotlight and other various awards the site has to offer.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - make your monster

this is probably one of the most important sections of the board. this is where you come to make your character. the application template needs to be followed carefully. we are a non-canon site, this means you start from the beginning without any help from us, giving you complete freedom to do whatever you want to do. we do however ask that you do not use pictures of yourself or anyone else from myspace or other friend networking sites as your pb, cause that is just freaky and weird.

6 15 - - cast of canons .
by aurelia lestrange
Apr 24, 2010 18:23:30 GMT
No New Posts - - hall of fame

the magical hall of fame. this is where you want your application to end up. if we file it here then you can role play in other areas of the site. anyone can come back here and can read up on a character who is already made. applications help get a better grasp of the character and so this is a very important place to come when plotting with someone.

23 23 aurelia lestrange - -
by aurelia lestrange
Apr 25, 2010 16:31:33 GMT
No New Posts - - character claims

so you have your character? great! now you can really get down to the nitty-gritty and have some fun with the character. this is where you can find all the claims you will need on the site. including aim, mobile and residence claim. you can also claim your face here. so shimmy over here stat! Because you don’t want some other ho to take your shit, cos that would just blow.

2 3 - - face claims .
by aurelia lestrange
Apr 25, 2010 18:02:29 GMT

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - shipping pages

got your character? need a plot? this is where you come. it is usually a good idea for everyone to have a general plot ad as it means you are able to condense your application for easy reading and can pick up new ideas and plots from other people. you can code them as well, and make them pretty with nice fonts and graphics, but remember, drama is what makes the world go round, so enjoy yourself.

15 48 stranger in my eyes - - - - *
by alice o'connor
Apr 24, 2010 10:18:05 GMT
No New Posts - - the wanted

Sometimes you just need that one character to complete a plot, and sometimes, no matter how hard you try you just cannot find anybody to take them up. Well this place can help; put up a post with the plot suggestion and maybe somebody would be interested to take them up. However please make sure that you post with plot ideas, spam posts asking for face claims are not welcome.

3 18 fatal attractions - - .
by isadora black
Apr 24, 2010 19:33:33 GMT
No New Posts - - owls and notes

with no post office, the wizarding world kicks it old school with owls. they can be a little bit message, and sometimes unreliable, but it is the way they roll. so here you can send owls to people you care about, or just throw one out there and hope people get it. though if the person is in close range, then there is always the option a nice little note, cos lets face it…it is a alot cleaner.

3 15 all i want is you
by mackenzie faulkner
Apr 18, 2010 8:47:57 GMT
No New Posts - - wizarding wireless network

it started in Hogwarts, and now the kids have graduated they where reluctant to let go of, so it was extended so anybody within the wizarding world can use it. developed from muggle technology, it works very much like msn. a person signs up for an email adress and can log on and chat. it is a craze that is sweeping the nation and sadly replacing owls.

9 73 * we'll watch the stars !
by albert gregory jr
Apr 29, 2010 1:47:12 GMT
No New Posts - - writing on the wall

gossip what would one do without it? well even though everyone has left Hogwarts, it has not stopped the rumour mill. people still insist on scratching gossip on the walls, and posting it on annoymas websites. It is out of control and only fuelling the golden snitch, who has not given up since everyone she talked about left Hogwarts.

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No New Posts - - questions

ever wanted to know something about a character, well this is the place to do it. here you can make a thread for your character, for people to reply to with questions for that ‘said’ character. the character can answer truthfully, but they are allowed to lie. this is just one of things the professors have added to intranet, to make Hogwarts just that little more interesting for the current students.

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No New Posts - - the golden snitch

after the birth of the H.W.N. a small online blog was set up anonymously and ever since has been causing havoc and scandal within the school. posting on a regular bases, the blogger informs all subscribers to the goings on of the school, or more the scandalous goings on of the more ‘elite’ members of the school. And even though everybody has moved on and up, the blogger is still going. Reporting about the lives of Hogwarts once famous inhabitants.

Sub-boards: - - all about you!, - - all-around news.

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - diagon alley

the streets of diagon alley are long and cobbled, and stores are lined side to side. the streets are usually crowded, especially right before school starts. during the second war many places here disappeared from sight as things changed and people switched alligances from one place to the other, but now everything is settled again thank god.

Sub-boards: - - leaky cauldron, - - weasley wizard wheezes, - - magical menagerie, - - florean fortescue's ice cream parlour, - - flourish and blotts, - - apothecary, - - quality quidditch supplies, - - ollivanders, - - madam malkin's robes for all occasions, - - gringotts wizarding bank

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No New Posts - - knockturn alley

these streets are a dangerous place to walk, or even to consider walking at night or during the day. all sorts hang about these places and to say that they're not the nicest would be an understatement. the witches and wizards that spend their time down here will be the dregs of society, so watch your back or it might get cursed by some patron or another.

Sub-boards: - - borgin and burkes, - - tailorman and tat

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - ministry of magic

a visitor to the ministry of magic will come upon a broken-down red telephone box located on a dingy street which as shabby offices, a pub, and a wall covered in graffitti. when the telephone in the box is dialed, the welcome witch's voice answers, not from the phone but from the air. visitors must state their business, upon which a silver badge pops out with the visitor's name and purpose of visit.

Sub-boards: - - level one, - - level two, - - level three, - - level four, - - level five, - - level six, - - level seven, - - the atrium, - - level nine, - - level ten

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No New Posts - - st mungo's hospital for magical maladies and injuries

the entrance to st. mungo's is concealed behind an abandoned red-brick london department store called purge and dowse, ltd. on a muggle street. unlike the leaky cauldron it can be seen by muggles, but none of them ever investigate. inside the entrance is the best place to come for any magical injuries you might aquire, one of the only places actually.

Sub-boards: - - ground floor, - - first floor, - - second floor, - - third floor, - - fourth floor, - - fifth floor

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No New Posts - - the club district

for all the people free to spend their nights out these are some of the places they can come. from high class joints to the back ends of town london does seem to attract a very wide variety of people wishing to build nightclubs on its streets, and there's never a lack of people frequenting them for drink, dancing and general fun once the day is over and the work is done. time for a kickback.

Sub-boards: - - black out junction, - - the open house, - - the black cat, - - the 9.30 club, - - calling all majors, - - slow down lie down

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No New Posts - - the restaurant district

this is where all the fast food outlets, restaurants and cafes can be found. the tourism trade is high in london, and along with the residents, there are thousands of people passing through the streets everyday and as people know what they like there is definitely a wide range of snacks, drinks and meals available for them. you can find whatever you want in london.

Sub-boards: - - pizza palace, - - light up, - - mcdonalds, - - cafe rouge, - - starbucks coffee

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No New Posts - - london bridge

this is a monument of london the likes of which you are likely to see no where else. a part of history and still going strong it hangs over the thames and allows boats to cross, rising up on itself. a massive tourist hotspot.

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No New Posts - - houses of parliament

the houses of parliament are the two most important buildings in muggle london, and were something to happen to them it would instantly strike chaos into the hearts of millions. inside these buildings sit the lords, and politicians that work to run the muggle world as smoothly as possible. they are not always successful but they do manage to give it a good bash.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - anywhere else

obviously we cannot list everything inside london or we'd be here forever, also having never spent much time there myself i don't honestly know. if there's somewhere you want to rp that is not listed this is where you shove the thread, just make sure to mention where you are when you get do. from a tree at the back of some unknown track to a place that no one could even dream of it can all be in here.

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - the estates

there are quite a few estates in united kingdom because there are quite a few rich people to live in them. they are all beautifully sculpted and hold more rooms than most people can count on all of their apendages. they are all vast affairs that people either love to look at or feel horribly intimidated by there shere size of them. these are the calling card of the rich and can be made of any stone.

1 1 my junk, is you - -
by isadora black
Apr 5, 2010 23:01:44 GMT
No New Posts - - the townhouses

the townhouses are for those people who can't quite afford the estates but still have a load of money to blow on their place of residence. these are usually all in a row, so you do have neighbours, but they are likely to also have at least five floors so the amount of rooms required by the rich can be had. tall and thin is the best way to get these houses big enough to fit everything they need.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - the houses

the houses of the united kingdom are exactly the same as any other houses. they have a varying number of rooms, sizes and decorations and they are homes to many. families tend to live in these but there are also single people that buy these up, either as an investment, for doing up and then selling or as a future home for the family when they finally get around to having one in their lives.

3 10 Increasing in cost due to better design methodolog
by taylor81
Nov 11, 2011 11:14:37 GMT
No New Posts - - the apartments

there are hundreds of these in the united kingdom, but the nicest ones by far are the ones that overlook the waterfront. the apartments can range from one bedroom ones, to studio, to massive entire floor jobs that need more than seven people to keep it clean. dependant on what sort of money you have you can get what you pay for. most people live in these as they are easiest to live in and keep in order.

5 9 Part of a modern lifestyle
by baker31
Aug 1, 2011 6:27:05 GMT

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

possibly the most famous institution of all time, where all british witches and wizards spend seven years of their life trying to make heads or tails of their powers. the teaching inside these walls have bred many different levels of abilities, some high and some low. a great castle in the north of scotland that to muggles just looks like a pile of ruins.

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No New Posts - - hogsmeade

the only completely wizarding town in england sits on the road down from hogwarts and is always buzzing with life. when covered with snow it looks like a picture postcard and even when it doesn't it's a pretty nice place to be. no one feels the need to hide here because there's just no one to hide from.

Sub-boards: - - hogsmeade station, - - the three broomsticks, - - dervish and bangs, - - gladwrags wizardwear, - - honeydukes, - - madam pudifoots, - - post office, - - shrieking shack, - - zonkos joke shop, - - the hogs head

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - england

well obviously we cannot list every single place in britain or we would be here all day, so we've come up with this nifty little board that allows you to just say where you are and thread it there and then without having to search endlessly for a particular place.

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No New Posts - - the rest of the world

fancy popping to paris? or bulgaria? want to see the great wall of china? well this is where all those threads go when you want to have them. of course the wizards come from all over the world and it is often fun to rp them meeting up in different places, same with muggle characters visiting families. just make sure you tell us which country you are in at some point in the post to relieve confusion of the whole thing.

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Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - the past

This board will work one of two ways. One you can elect to post a thread here, and rp something about your characters past. Because lets face it, sometimes that can be fun and it also helps develop the characters. And then two, this is were threads will be moved when the site’s time-line moves on, so people can continue rp threads and and when the wish.

4 10 bring me to life [[archie]]
by archibald pettigrew
Apr 12, 2010 14:07:42 GMT

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts - - out of character

do not hide behind your character, cos that is just god dam boring and we want to see your face. so if you do not want to be boring, and want to come and get to know other people on this site, come here. you can talk about everything in here, but please nothing offensive we do not want any arguments or people getting upset, this is meant to be fun and we want people to get along here.

Sub-boards: - - games, - - absences

by melody lupin
Apr 25, 2010 15:25:26 GMT
No New Posts - - the archives

finished or dead threads shall be moved here. if you wish you have a thread moved here, just contact one of the admin’s. links to profiles, are in the side bar. please also realise if you become inactive, all your threads shall be moved here. we like to keep things neat and tidy so i do tend to jump on things that are done pretty quickly, you might not need to tell me at all, i might just catch it.

Sub-boards: - - dead threads, - - completed threads, - - inactive characters

257 1,671 all i see is him and me, forever.
by alice o'connor
Apr 10, 2010 21:43:10 GMT
No New Posts - - graphics centre

the graphics section is where all you lovely people can offer up your services to others, or post a request for someone to take up. if you need something it is worth a shot in here, or you can head on over to caution where they have such gorgeous stuff it makes you want to cry. just make sure you are crediting everyone that you use stuff from, as they all work hard afterall and deserve it.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts - - the portkeys

going? we hope not cause we will hunt you down like a dog then feed you to emmett cullen. that's right we will put you in a bear suit and set you free in a forest then set emmett on you. cause he is a dear friend of ours. you hear! so i am lying, we don't mind you advertising as long there is a place for us to tag you.

Sub-boards: - - first links, - - links backs

200 200 Naruto Extinction
by Kuro
Dec 7, 2012 20:22:37 GMT


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